


Windows 10 Tips and tricks [ Full Tutorial ]

Windows 10 tips and tricks

If you are a windows 10 user and you are wanted to get the best performances but you didn't the tricks to make windows 10 fast and secure and we will give the best tips about the windows 10 to face the problems that are your having in the windows 10 so in this blog we will teach you about "Windows 10 Tips and Tricks" so let's begin :-

There are many tips and tricks to make windows 10 more fast and secure but many users get in the trouble by changing settings without know that what does the settings work so please do not change the settings of the windows 10 and in this tutorial we will teach you the tricks that are very safe and cannot damage your system files so please read the full article .

Tips :- 

These are all the tips can help you to face the problems that occur in the windows 10 . 

1. If you get any slow and sluggish performances of windows 10 so the best method to fix this problem is to update your computer driver and the windows version if you are have any old version of it . [If you have the latest version of windows 10 so update .Net Framework]

2. Many computer get slow down because of the high usage of ram by this problem windows 10 can be slow down and its files can be corrupt so please use your computer in the 2 to 5 hours if you use your computer to 8 hours so it can be slow down and you can get problems in your hardware. 

3. If you download any file from the internet so please check the file download address because many websites can give you viruses . To check the connection is secure so you need to click on the "View site information" tab that is appeared in the url left side .

4. Download a good antivirus to safe your computer from viruses and do not download any bad antivirus that you see in the websites you need to download an good antivirus like- kaspersky , quick heal and avast that are very popular and have million users .  

Tricks :-

• These are the tricks by you can run your computer professionally without any sluggish user experiences .

1. If you have any low end pc so you need to use shortcut keys to make your computer experience good , the shortcut keys are given below . These shortcut key helps you when you are doing your work but some times your mouse selection lag so this shortcut key selection is very fast .

•  All files Selection shortcut key is  CTRL AND A

• Pasting files shortcut key is CTRL AND V

• Cut and Copy shortcut key is CTRL AND X , CTRL AND C

2. Some times your computer cursor stuck at the loading icon and many users hates this issue that occurs some times when your system opening and closing multiple files , to fix this problem you need to simply go to your computer properties there you need to increase your computer "Virtual Memory".

3. When you open your computer , some times your computer boot slowly and there you get the slow opening of your computer taskbar and the desktop icons to fix the issue so you need to simply go to your computer "Power Option" settings that is appeared in the control panel , there you need to check "Turn on fast startup" by enabling it your computer startup get fast .

If you have any type of problem in the windows 10 so please comment it .

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