


How to create a website (Complete Tutorial)

Do you want to create website for free . So this blog will help you a lot , In this blog we will tell you how to create a website for free . So let 's begin :-

There are two main most used website making platforms :-

• Blogger 

• WordPress

1. Blogger

Blogger is an platform where you can create blogs/websites for free . It is an online content management system , you can give any information in your posts , the information will appear in the internet . After the topic of your post will show when any google user search that topic in any browser/search engine.

 How to use blogger :-

1. First create you account in blogger.

• Open your browser and search google.com .

• After search blogger .

• Click on the first option "Blogger"

• After you can see an option of "create your blog" click on it . 

• After you can choose you account that you have to use for blogger, Click on it .

2. Create your New blog.

• First, Choose name of you blog , you can see an option of "Title" click on it . You can create you blog name in till 100 words.

• After, You can make your blog URL , You can see an option of "address"click on it.
(You can change your blog domain later)

• After , You can make your "Display name"By display name, blogs readers can see your profile name. Click on the display name option and write your name.

3. Create your New post .

• You can see an option of "New post" , click on it .

• After, You can write your article . You can change the fonts,colour,text size from edit option in the top menu.

• To add video/images in your post , You can see an option of "More option"click on it. After you can see the options of import images and import videos click on it . After you can upload images/videos in your article.

4 . Writing description , permalink and labels 

• To add description in your post , you need to copy and paste your post 1 paragraph ( The description should be of 150 pixels)

• Permalink is a url , if you have big url in your post you can change by clicking of the option of "Custom links" there you need to short your url. ( To rewrite your url , you need to give - after one word)

• You can give labels in your post , first you need to check your post niche after you need to write the labels in your post.

5. Create pages in your blog.

• You can see option in the left menu. there you can see option of "Pages"click on it.

•After, click on new pages. After you can make pages in your blog .

6.  Selecting custom themes.

 Click on the "Theme"option given in the left menu.

• After, you can select any theme given by blogger.

• To add your custom theme click on the option of "Restore theme" click on it

• After, you can select your theme. (Make sure that your the file format is ".xml"

7. Seeing your blog stats.

• To see you blog stats, you can see an option of "Stats" click on it.

• You can see your Blog Followers, posts and comments. in the stats.

• To see more about the blog, Go to the "More about this blog"click on it.

• After , You can see your traffic source in the more about this blog option. You can see top referrers,browser,country views and more on "Google analytics"

8. Adding gadgets in your blog.

• To add gadgets in your blog, go to the "layout" option given in the left menu.

• After, You can add gadgets in your blog . to add gadgets you can see an option of "add a gadgets" click on it.

• After, You can add html script code,Feature post,profile,followers and many more.

1. WordPress

WordPress is an website making platform , where you can make website for free. by word press you can create beautiful blogs and word press is an easiest and very flexible blogging and website content management system for beginners.

• Features of WordPress

• You can edit your image in word press.

• You can show and hide anything in the screen option.

• You can paste link in your any text by selecting the text and pressing CTRL+V.

• You can select domain, You you have no domain you can select .wordpress.com domain that has been provided by word press ,

• You can see the preview of the theme that you want to applied in your blog.

• You can drag widgets of your blog. (This is the easiest method provided for the users)

If you are a beginner you can choose Blogger .

If you are making software review website you can choose Word press

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