


Windows 11 is Safe ? [ Full Explanation ]

Windows 11 has been released with more features that are better then windows 10 and many changes have been done by Microsoft to make windows 11 more advanced and can give a better user interface but the main point about windows 11 is its security which is more important than its features also windows 11 is safe? . So in this blog we will teach you about " Windows is Safe ?" so let's begin:-

If you want to run windows 11 to see its features so you can because Microsoft gives a pre windows 11 update in the windows 10 updating settings also you can try it by Virtualbox. But many users installed its leaked version of windows 11 which is dangerous and can corrupt computer data and if you revert it to windows 10 so it cannot allow you so please install windows 11 officially version. For more details click on the video link that is given below:-


Using Windows 11 is safe but there is no need to upgrade because Windows 10 already have all things to give a better user experience also windows 10 new version 21h2 has been released and we have published a post on the features and benefits of it Windows 10 21h2 update.

Thanks for visiting our blog if you have any doubt and confusion about windows 11 so you can contact us 

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